
Eating out with friends is a pleasant experience if you choose a good restaurant. But restaurant food is not healthy unless you just choose a plain salad. I read a health article which said eating in restaurants should be limited to just once a week. I think that is sound advice. The word “sound” has several meanings, but sound advice means sensible and reliable advice. There is always great camaraderie when I eat out with friends. The word “camaraderie” means a feeling of trust and friendship among a group of people. I seldom eat out because my stomach cannot handle unhealthy meals.

US President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr as his health secretary. He is a nephew of President John F. Kennedy who was assassinated in 1963. His father, Robert F. Kennedy, was assassinated in 1968 while running for president.  Many Americans consider Robert F. Kennedy Jr a crank, which means a person with strange or unusual ideas or beliefs. He is a vaccine skeptic, which means he is not convinced that Covid, flu, polio, and other vaccines are safe. He wants people to drink raw milk instead of pasteurized milk. Pasteurization kills the bacteria in raw milk.

I believe in vaccines and take flu and Covid shots regularly. I don’t trust raw milk. But some of his ideas are good, such as removing food dyes. Food dye is a chemical substance that makes food look appetizing by giving it an artificial colour. He will fight against ultra-processed foods such as instant noodles, bacon, and sausages. Ultra-processed foods are very unhealthy. I have not eaten hot dogs, bacon, and instant noodles in decades.

若你選到一間好餐廳,跟朋友外出用餐會是個愉快的經驗。不過,餐廳的食物並不健康,除非你只是點個清淡的沙律。我讀到一則關於健康的文章指,到餐廳用餐應該限制為一星期僅一次。我認為那是個sound advice。Sound一字有好些意思,但 sound advice是指合理、可靠的建議。當我跟朋友外出用膳時,往往會有很好的 camaraderie—— camaraderie是一群人之中的信任與友誼。我很少會外出用膳,因為我的胃受不了不健康的膳食。

美國總統當選人唐納德‧特朗普任命小羅伯特‧F‧甘迺迪為他的衞生部長。他是一九六三年遇刺身亡的總統約翰‧F‧甘迺迪的侄兒,他的父親羅伯特‧F‧甘迺迪競逐當總統的時候,同樣遇刺身亡。許多人認為小羅伯特‧F‧甘迺迪是個 crank,意即有些古怪、不尋常想法或信念的怪人。他是個 vaccine skeptic,意思是他並不相信新冠肺炎、流感、小兒麻痺症及其他病症的疫苗是安全的。他希望人們會喝生奶而非巴斯德消毒(pasteurized)的牛奶。 Pasteurization就是去殺滅生牛奶內的病菌。

我相信疫苗,也會定時打流感針和新冠疫苗。我不信生牛奶。但他的一些想法是好的,例如去除food dyes。Food dye就是食用色素,即添加化學合成的人工色素去讓食物看起來更美味可口。他亦會對抗超加工的食物,例如即食麵、煙肉和腸仔。超加工食物是非常不健康的。我已經有幾十年沒有吃熱狗、煙肉和即食麵了。

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Michael Chugani褚簡寧
