又中又英|High and dry

Many years ago, when I lived in a tiny top floor apartment on Robinson Road, I had a small roof with a harbour view. I watched the New Year's fireworks from the roof every year until I moved out. I now prefer New Year's Eve at Lan Kwai Fong or the FCC instead of watching fireworks. The Taipei serviced apartment where I am now staying has a view of Taipei 101, Taiwan's tallest building. It has midnight fireworks every New Year’s Eve. Friends wanted me to go to a bar on New Year’s Eve owned by my Hong Kong friend.

I declined because I knew everyone would be trying to get a taxi or Uber after midnight. The subway would be chock-a-block, which means very full. I stayed home to watch the Taipei 101 fireworks for the first time. Media reports the next day said tens of thousands of mainlanders who made day trips to Hong Kong were left high and dry after the fireworks because only one border crossing reachable by MTR remained open. Cross-border buses were full. Thousands had to spend the night at railway stations or on the streets. To be left high and dry means to be in a difficult position without any help.

That would not have happened to me if I had gone to my friend’s bar because Taiwan does not have land borders. Critics said mainlanders who make day trips on the cheap do not benefit Hong Kong’s economy. On the cheap means at low cost or spending very little money. I agree the government needs to attract mainlanders willing to at least stay in hotels overnight and spend money.


我拒絕了,因為我知道過了午夜,人人都會叫的士或Uber。地下鐵將會是 chock-a-block,意即擠滿的。我最終留在家中,第一次看台北一零一的煙花。翌日有傳媒報道,數以萬計即日來回香港過除夕的內地旅客,看過煙花滙演後落得孤立無援(high and dry),因為只有一個開放的過境口岸,是有通宵運作的港鐵接駁得到的。過境巴士全部擠滿。數以千計的人被迫在鐵路站又或在街上過夜。To be left high and dry意即陷入困境中,孤立無助。

即使我那時去了朋友的酒吧,這也不會發生在我身上,因為台灣並無陸地過境關口。批評者說,那些便宜地(on the cheap)即日來回香港的內地旅客,對於香港經濟沒有裨益。On the cheap意即用很低成本,又或花費很小的金錢。我同意政府需要吸引願意在酒店度宿以及花費的內地旅客。

[email protected]
Michael Chugani褚簡寧
