Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - Old Man Winter|又中又英

Spring officially started on March 20 in the US but Old Man Winter is refusing to go away. There is lingering cold weather and even snow in the north and northeast parts of the US. As I am writing this I can see hail the size of tiny balls coming down in the backyard of my elder sister's home in Indianapolis. I hope Old Man Winter will go away so spring can really start. To linger means to take a long time to leave. Old Man Winter is lingering longer than necessary. The word“hail”means small and hard balls of ice that fall like rain.

The expression“Old Man Winter”has an interesting origin. It means a personification of winter. The word “personification”has two meanings. It can mean a person who is the perfect example of something. You can say Gandhi was the personification of a leader who cared about freedom and independence for his country. But the word“personification”when used about Old Man Winter means giving a human quality or characteristic to something that is not human. Winter is not human but Greek mythology gave it a human quality. In Greek mythology Boreas is the god of winter. Mythology is a collection of myths(ancient stories).

Old Man Winter simply means winter that is shown with a human face. You can find many caricatures of Old Man Winter on the internet. A caricature is a drawing of a person or thing with exaggerated or distorted features. For example, there are many caricatures of former US President Barack Obama with huge ears. Caricatures of Old Man Winter usually show old men with beards blowing out ice cold wind with a snowy background. My hope is that Old Man Winter will go away soon so I can sit in my sister's backyard with a martini!

美國的春天已在三月二十日正式開始,「冬老頭」(Old Man Winter)卻不肯離去。在美國北部和東北地區,寒冷天氣久久不去(lingering),甚至還下起雪來。我現在執筆之際,在印第安納坡里斯我姊的家中,還可以見到後院落着小球般大的冰雹(hail)。還望冬老頭(Old Man Winter)早日離去,好讓春天可以真正開始吧。To linger即是持續逗留,拖很長時間才離開。冬老頭(Old Man Winter)逗留(lingering)得實在太久了。Hail就是如雨般降下、小而堅硬的冰雹。

習語“Old Man Winter”有一個有趣的來源。它是冬天的personification。Personification一字有兩個意思,它可以指某人是某事物的典型、化身:你可以說甘地關心自己國家的自由與獨立,是一個領袖的模範(personification)。但當談到「冬老頭」(Old Man Winter)之時,“personification”就是擬人法,即為某樣事物賦予人的特徵。冬天並非人類,但希臘神話(mythology)則把它人格化,令它具有人的特質。在希臘神話(mythology)中,波瑞阿斯是冬天之神。Mythology就是神話故事(myths)的匯集。

Old Man Winter簡單來說就是冬季,只是配上了人的面孔。你可以在網上找到許多冬老頭(Old Man Winter)的caricatures。A caricature就是某人或物的漫畫,特別是把其特徵誇張甚或扭曲。譬如,前美國總統巴拉克‧奧巴馬許多「似顏繪」肖像漫畫(caricatures),都會將他的耳朵畫得特別大。冬老頭(Old Man Winter)的漫畫(caricatures),多會呈現出一個留鬍鬚的老頭,在冰天雪地之中,猛吹着冰冷的風雪。我的希望是冬老頭(Old Man Winter)快快離去,好讓我能安坐於我姊的後院中,歎一杯馬天尼!
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧