Michael Chugani 褚簡寧 - al fresco dining|又中又英

As I have said in previous columns, I love al fresco dining, which means to eat in the outside part of a restaurant. There is a dearth of al fresco dining in Hong Kong even though it has a picture-perfect harbour. If there is a dearth of something it means there is not enough of it. If something is picture-perfect, it means it is perfect in appearance. Hong Kong’s harbour is so beautiful that it makes a perfect picture. I can’t understand why there is not enough, or a dearth of, al fresco dining near the harbour where diners can enjoy eating and drinking outside.
Al fresco dining always lifts my spirits, especially when the weather is pleasant. If something lifts your spirits, it means it makes you cheerful or happy. Al fresco dining is out of the question during winters in the US. If something is out of the question, it means it is not possible. It is not possible to dine outside when it is too cold. But many restaurants in US states where the winters are cold, such as New York, have sheltered tables outside with heating. This makes it possible to have al fresco dining in cold weather but it is, of course, out of the question to eat outside when it’s snowing.

As I have said in a previous column, I am now at my elder sister’s house in Indianapolis. The weather in the past few days has been sunny and cool, which is perfect for al fresco dining. My brother-in-law and I went to an Italian restaurant for al fresco dining. I drank martinis and he drank whiskey. We decided to eat only appetizers for our dinner while enjoying the pleasant sunset. We started with bread which we dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then we had calamari, which means pieces of fried squid. After that we had bruschetta, which means toasted bread covered with olive oil, garlic, and tomatoes. Then we had prawns. Everything was so delicious it lifted my spirits.

正如我在以前的文章說過,我愛 al fresco dining,即在餐廳的露天雅座進膳。即使香港有風光如畫(picture-perfect)的海港,露天用餐(al fresco dining)卻甚為匱乏(dearth of)。若是有 a dearth of something,即是說缺乏某事物。若某事物是 picture-perfect,那麼它就是如畫般十全十美的。香港的海港美麗得像一幅完美的畫作。我不明白為何維港附近會那麼缺少(dearth of)露天進膳(al fresco dining)的地方,讓食客可以在戶外歡宴暢飲。

露天進膳(al fresco dining)總是能 lifts my spirits,尤其是在天氣舒適宜人之時。若某事物 lifts your spirits,意即它令你精神為之一振、心曠神怡。露天進膳(al fresco dining)在美國的寒冬是 out of the question——若某事物是 out of the question,即指那是不可能的。若外面天氣太冷,戶外用餐是不可能的。但在美國那些冬天很冷的州份,例如紐約,許多餐廳都會在有蓋的戶外用餐區設置暖氣,這樣即使天氣寒冷,仍然可以在露天座位用餐(al fresco dining);但當然,要是下雪的話,在戶外進食就不可能(out of the question)了。

正如我在之前的文章中提及,我現在於印第安納坡里斯我姊姊的家裏居住。過去幾天天氣晴朗涼爽,最適合戶外用餐(al fresco dining)。我和姐夫到了一間意大利餐廳的露天雅座進膳(al fresco dining)。我喝了馬天尼,他則喝威士忌。我們決定晚餐只吃前菜小吃,同時欣賞醉人的日落。我們以麵包開始,蘸着橄欖油和意大利香醋來吃。然後吃了 calamari,就是炸魷魚圈。在那之後,我們吃了 bruschetta,就是鋪滿橄欖油、蒜蓉和番茄的多士。接着我們又吃了蝦。這一切一切都甚美味,令我神清氣爽(lifted my spirits)。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧