【570期 趣味食譜】黑蒜秋葵豚肉卷

更新時間:21:13 2021-04-28
發佈時間:00:00 2021-04-29


秋葵 8條 Okra 8 pcs
豚肉片 100克Thin pork slices 100g
油 1湯匙Oil 1 tbsp
白芝麻 5克White sesame 5g
鹽 適量Salt some


黑蒜汁Black garlic sauce
黑蒜(切碎) 2粒Black garlic(chopped) 2 cloves
生抽 1湯匙Light soy sauce 1 tbsp
糖 1茶匙Sugar 1 tsp
水 3湯匙Water 3 tbsp

做法 Method

Step 1:秋葵加少許鹽搓揉,以去除細毛,洗淨備用。Gently rub the okra with salt to remove the fuzzy spines. Rinse and set aside.

Step 2:秋葵汆水三至四分鐘,撈起放入冰水內略浸。Blanch the okra in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Remove and place them in ice water for a while.

Step 3:切去秋葵的頂尖。Cut off the top of the okra.

Step 4:將秋葵放在豚肉片的一端,緊緊包捲。Put the okra at one end of the pork slice. Roll it tightly.

Step 5:鑊內以中大火燒熱油,放入豚肉卷煎至半熟。Heat oil in a pan over medium-high heat, pan-fry the pork rolls until half-cooked.

Step 6:將黑蒜汁材料拌勻,倒進鑊內煮至濃稠。Mix the black garlic sauce ingredients. Pour in the pan and cook until the sauce becomes thick.

Step 7:將豚肉卷稍為轉動,均勻吸收醬汁及煮至全熟。Slightly turn the pork rolls to make sure they are fully cooked with the sauce.

Step 8:豚肉卷上碟,灑上芝麻,即成。Dish up the pork rolls. Sprinklewith sesame seeds. Serve.

小貼士 Tips
黑蒜可自製或於超市購買。Home make the black garlic or buy in supermarket.

文:Celia 圖:星島圖片庫

Celia Chan(陳詠雯)熱愛尋找美食,為實現夢想,她放棄高薪厚職的地產工作,創辦CookingFever,教授簡易美味菜式,推廣下廚樂趣。
